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Helping Students Study Better Using AI

We harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help improve students' critical thinking skills with AI, rather than replace those skills.


Studium AI includes many different features like file uploading and link parsing to help students study efficiently.


We use OpenAI's latest LLMs to provide the most accurate and performant generations.

AI Tutor Chatbots

AI tutors that you can talk to about any subject.


AI flashcard set generation. Full UI to study on the go.


AI multiple quiz quiz generation.

Upload Files

File handling. Give the AI a txt, pdf, video, or audio file to generate an item of choice.

Paste Links

Link handling. Give the AI a link to generate an item of choice.



Get started now and upgrade once you've reached the limits.

0 / month

25 generations


Unlimited generations to meet your study needs.

TBA / month

Unlimited generations

Our Mission

At Studium AI our mission is to use AI to make studying easier and efficient rather than using AI to replace studying altogether. If you need to create a quiz or flashcards and all you have is a zoom recording of a lecture, or a pdf file of notes, or a link to a website, Studium AI can help!